Becoming a More Positive Person

” The glass is half empty, or half full. It just depends on how you look at it”

In my 24 years that I have been alive, I have never been a positive person. I have always looked at life as a half empty kind of perspective. This is because I am, and I hold my hands up to it, a negative person.

Now, in no means do I mean to always be negative, nor am i negative about everything. However, i seem to be negative about a lot of things because they’re not going the way I wanted.

When i lose control over a situation, or i am in a situation that i cannot change an outcome of I pass the blame to everyone else. I deflect the situation away from myself and make it other people s fault and never taking responsibility for my actions

Now on the outside, I am a bubbly, fun, outgoing person who exudes confidence in a lot I do but to me its a front. A facade I like to put up to prevent me from getting hurt. To stop people taking advantage of the person I am and to stop myself from hurting about things that have happened that I can’t let go.

This is a terrible trait to have and it is something I am working on and have been working on in the past few months.

It started with a much-needed, and very much welcomed break to Mexico.

It was full of fun, laughter, tequila and sun and made me appreciate what I had back at home.  A lot of people in mexico earn very little per hour and rely heavily on tips every day. They give the best service without fail to every person they come across in hopes of a big tip that may help their families in the day-to-day life they lead. I come home to a decent,  not great, but decent hourly wage and I have the cheek to moan. I came home refreshed, happy, and ready to come back with a totally different attitude to when I left.

Now I’m not saying I havent had my moments in which the negative thoughts have tried to creep in again, or that I havent had my rough days that have made me feel like quitting.

Instead, I have addressed why I have been feeling this way, expressing what I mean without saying it mean and in turn try to make the people I surround myself with want to be in my company rather than them feel like I drain them.

I have made a mid year resolution, to make myself a better version of myself than i was 6 months ago and hopefully by the time christmas comes I can hopefully write another post saying how I have achieved my goal.

In more ways than one too!!!

In the grand schemes of life, i cannot always be a postive person 100% of the time, we are allowed our bad days but i’m trying to make it atleast a solid 90% of the time anyway! People are always going to have it harder than you but you should be allowed to feel the way you feel without fear of judgement.

My final thought for today is:

Focus on what deserves your attention

Stay happy






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