Top 5 Things about Life at The minute (: 

The picture above is of a valley I went to and it gave me such inner peace. As random and weird as that sounds it was amazing and peaceful, and As this photo made me happy and I am trying to be positive on this blog. I have decided that I am going to tell you about the top 5 things to be happy about at the minute.

5) I am physically healthy , I have nothing to complain about and to be honest I need to realise that I’m lucky to be healthy like I am. Considering everything that has happened in Tunis and France I have my life and my health and should be thankful for that. 

4) I have a job, might not be the best job but I have one. I am earning money to do things that I want this includes holidays, days out, treats for myself and friends and family and just living the way I like. 

3) I love my family, they’re annoying but their mine and that’s a great thing to be positive about. 

2) I have amazing friends, old and new and I’ve even met a few recently that are Amazing. 

1) August is coming which is the best month coz its my birthday and I’m really excited coz I love birthdays and happiness and all the fun things that can come with birthdays. I’ll be 23 which is depressing as F but yay!!! Birthdays ❤️

Stay positive 

Dream big stay on top




Social Media 

I’ve started this blog and I realised I hadn’t put anywhere else my other social media outputs that I’d like you to follow me on. 

Instagram- Boydieee1

Twitter- boydie123 

Follow me and we can chat. 

Dream big stay on top




Urban Decay 

So the other day, I was really bored. It was 2am and I couldn’t sleep and this lead me to online shop…


I went onto the urban decay website and had decided that I wanted to purchase 1 of the 3 naked palettes. 

I had my mind made up on Naked 2 as a girl I go to college with uses this a lot and I know I can use these colours effectively and to a high standard. 


I got onto the website and purchased them all. 


Bank Balance be at £0.00 :/

How ever all three have arrived and Are amazing and j really want to use them but since I’ve bought them I have had ZERO chance at using them. 

I’ve only ever used naked 2 before in college so cannot wait to use the others. 

I did swatches and wrote what colours were what so you can the pigmentation on the skin.  I was really impressed and I’ll explain what I liked about each one

Naked 1  

  My top 5 colours in this palette 

  1. Buck- used as an all over the eyelid base colour
  2. Half Baked- beautiful for the lid when you want to add glitter for an evening look. 
  3. Gun metal- as it’s beautiful when you want to do a black/grey smokey eye adding some glitter 
  4. Creep- beautiful Matt black to use on the outer corner of the eye. Blending in using the MAC 217 blending brush. 
  5. Smog-slightly darker than half baked but it’s beautiful when adding a bit of sparkle to a look. 

I may do a tutorial on a look using these colours if people want to see one. 

I’m going to post naked 2 and 3 in a separate  post. 


Dream big and stay on top




When writing the story of your life don’t let anyone else hold the pen…

Above is a quote I read somewhere online around 4months ago. It’s resonated with me since I read it and I have come to realise that I need to follow this. 

I’m always comparing myself to others complaining I don’t have what others have. But what am I doing to change it. Zero. Nothing. Zilch.  Nada. 

Why do I compare myself t to people who I know nothing about. 

This is why I started blogging.  I want to get my opinions out. Get what I want to say out in a positive way. To use my words to spread positivity to the people who need it most. 

I’m not an expert in anything. I am just somebody that enjoys Living her life in a way she feels is the way she wants to live it. 

My family and friends mean the world to me and I know they’ll support me in whatever I choose to do this includes my interests and hobbies.  That includes blogging.  Many of my friends think I’m an idiot for doing it. 

“It’s not going to go anywhere”

“Why have you started blogging what a waste of time ” 

“Randomest thing I’ve heard you do and you do pretty random things”

I hear you say “not great friends if that what they say”

But in reality if I lived doing things and living my life by what other people thought was the right way then I’d never do anything. 

What I’m trying to say is.  

Don’t feel like you have to get the approval of everyone in doing the things you enjoy.  As long as the hobby doesn’t hurt you or anybody else then go for it. 

Anyway this is just my way of saying. 

Live your life in anyway you want don’t feel like you have to answer to anyone and be happy with who you are. 

Dream big stay on top 




A Trip to Unicorn Island (Photos)


Just a few photos from the concert mentioned in my previous post I’ll explain why these are my favourite photos that I took. 

1)  this picture shows why I love Lilly she’s amazing and funny and cheeky… And just friendly to everyone plus she has some Killer moves 

2) shows she is loved by everyone and everything. 

3) this part was my favourite because I was so close to her

4) not the best photo but my favourite photo of the costumes my favourite costumes. True candy coloured and everything I imagine unicorn island to be like. 

5) half an hour before the show this is what came up on the screen thought it was a nice touch. 

6) the first thing you see on the meet and greet. Which I still can’t get over but you know about that from my last post 

So that’s it just a few photos of the concert and why they were my favourite. Cannot wait until next tour she does because I know I’ll meet her again. 

Dream big and stay on top 




20th June 2015…The Day I Met My Hero

This post is incredibly hard for me too write… For many reasons.  One because I’m sad it’s over and wish I could go back to the concert and when I met her and two because I cannot believe it happened.


Thee Lilly Singh… Now when I told people I met her and I showed them my photo many people didn’t know who she was. That’s cool unless you’re into YouTube or the Internet you’re not likely to know who she is.  

Meeting my idol 20/06/2015

 I went to the concert on my own… I was legit the only one on my own and at the age of 22i thought I’d be okay but I was nervous. I’ve idolised this women for the 2 years I’ve watched her YouTube channel. 

Funniest story how I came across her Channel. I was looking for a cake tutorial for a Harry Potter party I was going to *i hear you now lammmmeee*  but I googled Harry Potter cakes and hers was the first one on the list. I watched it. I watched it again. Then I watched it some more because she made  me laugh. I then made a YouTube channel because I saw she made videos every Monday and Thursday and she was hilarious as she made videos about relatable scenarios we’ve all been in. I wanted to subscribe and I did. She was on 4 million plus subscribers…

Watching her massive catalogue of video I was laughing. Laughing a laughter I hadn’t laughed in a while due to the incredibly low time I had battled with crazy emotional times and her videos made me happy in an unhappy time in my life.  She now has nearly 6 million subscribers. She met her hero in Dwayne Johnson and she fangirled just as much as I did when I met her. But she shared that with Us viewers.

She then started daily vlogging her daily life and it was amazing to see her life and to see behind the scenes of her life and the planning of AT2UI. 

That brings me onto the meet and greet with Lilly she was lovely she obviously didn’t have a lot of time for each person she had 200 people to see I got my photo taken with her and she signed my phone case.  

My phone signed by Lilly ❤️

I gave her a bag of Thornton chocolates that are in the shape of a smile I explained that I gave  her them because she made me smile all those times I didn’t feel like I could smile. She thanked me gave me a hug and  I walked off a quivering wreck. 

The actual concert was amazing she’s so funny,she’s relatable, she’s talented and she’s my hero. 

I met my hero and I hopefully will meet her again for longer next time. 

She is Queen Lilly President of Unicorn Island

And I am a certified Unicorn and resident of Unicorn island. Unless you watch her videos you’ll have no idea what I’m talking about. 

Dream big and stay on top.




All About Me…

This is me... take me or Leave me.
This is me… take me or Leave me.

Hi, I thought that I would write a short paragraph explaining a little bit about myself…

My name is Natalie Boyd, I am 22 years old and I live in Manchester. I have dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.

I like beauty, I like fashion but I LOVE makeup.

Music makes my world go round and have to listen to it at least an hour a day. I don’t have a particular genre I love anything if i can dance.

I am a Level 3 Qualified Makeup Artist and am I do freelance in my spare time.

I love cozy nights in and crazy nights out.

Friends and Family are my World…

I love meeting new people and travelling to new places.

Team Internet ❤

Certified Unicorn ❤ ❤

Dream Big and Stay on Top



SO… I finally created a blog.

So… I finally created my first “Proper” blog. The reason I wrote proper in quotation marks is because I have had a Tumblr Blog, I have had many tumblr blogs in fact, but never stuck anything out long enough to gain anything from it. However I have come to the conclusion that I need an outlet to get my words and opinions out there, I need an outlet that allows me to showcase my work without feeling like I’m boring people to tears with my interests.

This blog will also hopefully be a place where i can gain information  on many new and exciting things as well as pass my knowledge on.

Blogging has always been something that i never felt i could do, never have i ever felt like I can sit in my room on my laptop tapping away writing post that people would be interested in and whether anyone would actually care for what I have to say for myself. I know that my blog is called “Confession of a Makeup Artist” but this blog isn’t just going to be beauty advice, or make-up tutorials I want to utilise my blog to create a positive and happy place for people to read posts, be inspired by what they read and  help them embrace who they are for who they are. I feel like in the 21st century woman (men too) have a lot of pressure put on them to look a certain way, to act a certain way, to do certain things and to be someone else. I want this blog to be about making yourself feel better for YOU! and also increase in your own self confidence, not to impress others or to make someone else’s life better.

I will explain in a later post more about myself and why I have decided that now is the right time to do this. I am also going to start making YouTube videos once I have my blog up and running to run with what I have to say on here.

Please Leave a Comment if you can  and share to others if you like what you read as it will be much appreciated.

Dream big and stay on top 


