Life Expectations.

When youre a 28/29 year old female, still living at home with her parents, single and with no kids. It can seem like life hasnt taken the right path and that i am failing.

However, who is to say that i am? who is saying that that is the right path for me at least?

I have never ever wanted to buy my own house and people say i am choosing to waste my money, but firstly why is buying a house a sign of success? why is it considered failing if you choose to rent? why cant we choose to just have a house and a roof to live under.

i have always chose to save for a holiday and travel, i very rarely travel in Europe. I am not saying i havent been to europe i just choose to travel places slightly further away. Such as USA and Austrailia. On my bucket list i really want to travel to Dubai, Thailand, Indonesia, basically anyplace in asia. Hong Kong is also near the top of my travel bucket list.

When it comes to life paths why does it feel like we are constantly competeing, with social media and people putting there highlights on their feed it can be seen to be hard to keep up, but i personally believe that everyone is on their own timeline and that everyone deserves to do whats right for them.

life is for living. not competeing



Things I Have Learnt In My Life.

As I write this, it is the day before my 28th birthday. A bit about me: I was born on Friday 28th August 1992 at Stepping Hill Hospital in the town I was born and raised in, Stockport, to two lovely people whom I call mum and dad. I had an older brother named Jonathan and joined a rather large but loving family. I lived in a small little house in Adswood and later moved to another house up the road where I still live today. I personally believe I live a very blessed life and have lived a very blessed life so far.

I find when I get towards my birthday I use this as a time for reflection on the year I’ve had but seeing as 2020 has been for many a rough year I thought I’d discuss things I have learnt not just this year but over my adult life.

This year we have dealt with a global pandemic, I have had a few personal losses and I know so many that have had some too, and it has been a year I’m sure we will all want to forget by the time New Years comes along. But as I come to the end of my 28th circle of the sun and as we’re pulling back to a bit of normality in life. I want to share the things that I have come to realise the older I have gotten.

1) Tomorrow is never promised. But the moment you’re in right now is. Enjoy your present moments and stop thinking about tomorrow. Cherish the moments you share with your friends and family as we never know when the last moments are.

2) Your little people don’t stay little for long so cherish those moments whilst you can. My little brother is turning 7 soon and after spending so much time with him in lockdown I realised how much he has grown up and how his likes and dislikes have changed.

3) Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. The global pandemic has taught us that life is so fragile. We need to start treating mental illness better in our systems such as work, school and even the health service. I myself have struggled with stress and anxiety of living life at the minute but I have always felt the need to be there for others. I believe that is a very big part of my personality and something I pride myself on.

4) Do the things you love regardless of what other people may think. This year has made me realise how much I love musical theatre and live music . Since the theatres of London have closed and we haven’t been able to even go to the local cinema I realised how much I love the joy of live music and theatre. I really cannot wait for the doors to open and I can finally get my chance to see a show.

5) leading on from the above. Number five is never take your life for granted. How many of us were gliding through life and not really living. This year has taught me to take a note of what’s going on around me. Look up from my phone and absorb the world I live in. We’re all guilty of living online and not living in the real world. This is something I’ve started to change. Notice the change in the trees and the world we live in.

6) Never take those you love for granted. This year so many people across the world have lost people whether it is due to Covid-19 or other things. But this pandemic and not being able to say goodbye properly has made me realise that we need to really enjoy moments together whilst people are still alive and not wait to mourn those we lose for the lost time we could have spent.

7) Find the positives in every day. Some days are hard and that is never even taken from you. You’re allowed to have bad days. You’re allowed to be sad. But every day must have one positive and it may not be easy to find it but I have started writing down my positives in a diary and when I’m having a particularly bad day I can go over them to cheer myself up. sometimes you have to do dig deeper to find it but I’m sure it will be there.

8) Never be afraid to ask questions. This year has taught me to ask why? Why do we do the things we do, or say the words we say. I have started researching things i don’t understand and finding more information about the world I live in. I was always told “every day you learn something new, if you haven’t learnt anything it’s a day wasted”

9) always take and interest in the world around you. Even if you believe it doesn’t affect you. I, as a white British female, am ever racially stigmatised by the police or institutions in the world, but the black lives matter movements we see around the world are important to me because of the loss of lives so unnecessary that happen every day around the world. I took my time to read up on the news around the world and especially in the United States and signed petitions to help those so deeply affected. We should always take and interest in the world news as eventually this is the world we are leaving for the generations after in our bloodlines. Let’s leave them something to be proud of.

10) Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Vote Conservative in any election.

Thanks for reading my post. Here’s to many more birthdays in the future.


Xoxoxo xoxo

Continue reading “Things I Have Learnt In My Life.”

The Suffragettes and The reason why I vote.

As a female in the 21st century I know how disillusioned politics can be and how all we are hearing about is Brexit but I want to take your mind back just short of 200 years ago. I’m really interested if after reading this and you’re female if it makes you want to vote if you don’t currently. Let me know below

In 1832 the first ever women’s suffrage petition was brought to parliament and women only gained the vote over the age of 30 in 1918. This means that it took over 80 years for women to secure the vote.

The reason I’ve recently become interested in the suffragette movement and what it entails is because last week in Manchester town centre a statue of Emmeline Pankhurst was unveiled and I went to see it a few days later.

It inspired me to learn more about women’s rights and what women like Pankhurst went through to secure me the vote over 100’s years later.

So here we go – I’m going to give a review of what I learnt based on my research into the suffragette movement and how women secured the right to vote.

1897– Millicent Fawcett founded the National Union of Women’s Suffrage (NUWS) Fawcett believed in peaceful protests and tried to use patience and logical arguments. Her biggest argument was “if I have to obey the same laws as men, I should be also help men make the laws” however Fawcett’s progress was slow.

1903- in Manchester north west England Emmeline Pankhurst created the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) was created. They were prepared to use violence to get what they wanted. Between 1903-1905 they were relatively peaceful.

1905- in this year the WSPU adopted the motto “deeds not words” this motto meant they were going to get action, in this case the vote, by what they did rather than what they said.

This year also showed the first arrests for the movement in which Christabel Pankhurst, Emmeline’s daughter, and a fellow suffragette Annie Kenney interrupted a political meeting in Manchester. In this interruption they asked two liberal politicians of the time (Mr Winston Churchill and Sir Edward grey) whether or not they believed women deserved the right to vote. When neither of the men replied they started to get irate and animated and pulled a banner out with the phrase VOTES FOR WOMEN on and started chanting and creating a fuss. These women were arrested and charged with causing an obstruction and a technical assault on a police officer. They refused to pay the fine and ended up in prison.

1907 The suffragettes competed several large marches in Britain mainly in London. With the biggest march happening in June 1908 where 250,000 people marched in Hyde park. they were ignored by the Prime minister which lead several people to smash up Downing Street. With stones that had pleas for the vote attaches to them.

In 1909 the first ever suffragette to go on hunger strike in prison was Marion Dunlop, the government was nervous that if these women were left to die in the prison by hunger strike they would become martyrs, and give the cause a reason to fight. This then lead to the prisons force feeding the ladies which caused public outcry. So they would release the women when they were at their weakest let them improve on the outside and then arrest them for another crime and repeat it. It was called the Cat and Mouse game.

November 1911- parliament pass a bill regarding men’s right to vote and suffragettes see this as a dismissal of their plight so go on a window smashing campaign through London

In the beginning of 1912 they heightened their militancy and did many other things in which caused destruction and chaos. Some of the things include:

  • Burned down and/or attached Church of England churches as they didn’t agree with votes for women.
  • Chained themselves to palace gates as the royal family didn’t agree with them.
  • Hired boats and travelled down the river Thames when parliament was in session and shouted abuse to those in parliament.
  • Attacked politicians and firebombed their homes.

June 1913- Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under the the kings horse in the Derby race and she was killed. However this may have caused more harm than good as many believed that as Emily was well educated. What would happen if we gave lesser educated women the vote.

In August 1914 when World War One began. Emmeline Pankhurst stopped all suffragettes from campaigning and to get behind the government and their war efforts. Women became back bone of the war effort making guns and ammunition’s and really rallied behind.

1918- when the war was coming to an end the Representation of the People Act was passed that gave women over the age of 30 the right to vote. The theory as to why they were given the vote is that they helped the war effort and believed were able vote.

In November of 1928– the age of women to vote dropped from 30-21. And in the May of 1929 women were able to vote in their first general election.

When I came to learn about the suffragette movement I have never been more incensed to carry on learning. I’m going to research more into the main people who fought and to continue to always learn more about where I live and those who have made a difference in the world.

I will always exercise my right to vote as not doing so is an injustice to those who fought for my right and may have lost their life in doing so.

Here’s to Emmeline Pankhurst “deeds not words”


2018- A round up

2018 has been a year of good and bad. As most years go I suppose. January started off with me feeling extremely low. Having lost my Nan only 4 months prior and having to go through Xmas without her was probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do so far in my life. She was, and still is, one of my biggest hero’s in life and will continue to be one of my biggest inspirations in life. That a side I decided to join slimming world in January and haven’t looked back since. Since January I have lost 2 stone and I’m so proud of myself. I’ve never ever stuck to anything and even though I have found it difficult I’m still two stone lighter than what I was before this year began.

I started a new job then quit said job three months later, went back to McDonald’s full time. Learnt lots of new things about myself and I’m taking that into 2019

Celebrated some birthdays Nala-Grace turned 1 Amelia turned 2 and Fraser turned 5 these children are growing up too fast and there growing up to be amazing clever and beautiful children.

We lost some people this year and it was sad but i know these people would have wanted us to not be sad but to enjoy the memories we have of them. Geoff, Eleanor, Linda and Irene. You were so important to those around you. Just know you’ve left holes that cannot be filled.

I got to go on the most amazing holiday and meet Mickey Mouse

I had the best time and wish I could go back.

Anyway I have had the best year. Highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But I am going to make 2019 even better than 2018 and ensure I hit my goals.

Happy new year to you all. Stay safe , stay happy and stay you.

All the best for 2019



Goals for 2019

My main goal in 2019 is to continue to live a happy healthy life. I have lost 2 stone this year following slimming world and I aim to lose 4.5 more in 2019.

However I have 3 main objectives next year I believe that if I write them down I’m more likely to achieve them as I am holding myself responsible for them.

1) Learn to Drive

I am 26 years old and need to learn to drive. Not necessarily own a car but to at least own a pink license

2) To get promoted at work

I’ve been in the same role at work for a while now and it’s becoming pretty boring. Going to aim to get promoted to shift manager the first half of 2019. I will get there

3) To reach my Target weight

Aim to lose 4.5 more stone to get to my target weight at slimming world. I’ve been lazy with it and know if I put my mind to it I can do it.

Here’s me putting it into the universe what I want from 2019 and I don’t think any of them are unachievable. They’re specific, measurable, attainable, relative, time bound. They’re 100% my SMART targets for the year. I hope that you achieve everything you set your dreams in for 2019

Lots of love



Weight-loss Journeyman


Today begins my Blog Posts about my weight loss journey and how I have felt whilst loosing weight.

I joined Slimming world on January 15th 2018 and got weighed.

What I weighed wasn’t a shock for me as i knew what i weighed from a previous doctors trip but seeing it as a start for me to loose weight.  My start weight isn’t something I am willing to post online just yet but when i loose more weight i am sure i will

I Started slimming world with my best friend Nicola and both of us are doing this together by cooking and sharing meals!

Week One

Motivated and ready to go I went shopping for food and was surprised at what recipes i could make easily and find easily online. Slimming world is the right choice for me because you can still eat a lot of food just a lot of the correct foods. It is important you find a diet that is going to fit in with your lifestyle and help you still maintain a happy balanced life at the end of the day you need to be able to maintain  it if you want to keep the weight off.

My favourite recipe this week was Slimming World Salt and Pepper Chicken and Noodles which i found was easy to make and really nice to try.

Weight loss in week 1 : 7 lbs!! Got my half a stone sticker!


Week Two

Naughty week!! i ate out three times!! but still lost half a Pound I thought what i was eating was okay but it obviously it wasn’t. Got a bit demotivated but then Nicola got Slimmer of the week and i was determined to get it next week!!

Weight loss 7.5 Lbs

Week Three

After a bit of a slump in week 2 i started the week out with the motivation and determination cracked on. We made two lovely Slimming World Dishes

Curry 27578893_204073636839204_9038300659119554560_n

BBQ Chicken tray bake.


This week I lost 3lbs and won Slimmer of the week and this gave me the motivation to keep going. Only 3.5lbs left until my first stone.

Total weight loss 10.5lbs


Week Four 

Current week i am  on and I have really enjoyed finding newer recipes and experimenting with foods I would never have thought to try. Two things i have made and enjoyed this week were breakfast muffins and chicken fried rice which i enjoyed so much. 26870751_568107690204673_8858637998124695552_n26869441_183390499096769_1791677016622235648_n

These were really nice and syn free and something i would cook again and again!!

Lets hope i lost 3.5lbs this week!!

Lost 5lbs this week so got my 1stone award !!

Speak soon



( All images are my own apart from slimming world header)

Happy Mum, Happy Baby-Giovanna Fletcher

Giovanna Fletcher, renowned for her novel writing, with four fantastic novels and a few short novellas turns to writing about her life pre-motherhood and post motherhood.

In this book Giovanna talks about her struggles with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and how she suffered with a miscarriage in her first pregnancy.

The book goes into detail about her struggles with fertility and her miscarriage and how it affected her and her relationship with her husband Tom Fletcher from Mcfly.

Giovanna writes with such elegance and poise and talks about it like shes talking to her closest girlfriends and it makes you relax and enjoy her stories that she has so beautifully written.

She covers topics such as pregnancy, boob vs bottle, traveling with a baby on a plane, coping with the hormone changes and the most controversial topics of mothers feelings after the birth.

I don’t want to go into too much detail as you should all read it yourselves but she dispels myths and legends of motherhood and basically tells you that you’re not alone and that every new parent goes through the same emotions and feelings and that you’re not alone.

As someone who doesn’t have kids i still loved reading this book as I have been following Gi’s online adventures since having kids and It made me fall in love with her even more.

Happy Baby, Happy Mum = A Happy Reader




Becoming a More Positive Person

” The glass is half empty, or half full. It just depends on how you look at it”

In my 24 years that I have been alive, I have never been a positive person. I have always looked at life as a half empty kind of perspective. This is because I am, and I hold my hands up to it, a negative person.

Now, in no means do I mean to always be negative, nor am i negative about everything. However, i seem to be negative about a lot of things because they’re not going the way I wanted.

When i lose control over a situation, or i am in a situation that i cannot change an outcome of I pass the blame to everyone else. I deflect the situation away from myself and make it other people s fault and never taking responsibility for my actions

Now on the outside, I am a bubbly, fun, outgoing person who exudes confidence in a lot I do but to me its a front. A facade I like to put up to prevent me from getting hurt. To stop people taking advantage of the person I am and to stop myself from hurting about things that have happened that I can’t let go.

This is a terrible trait to have and it is something I am working on and have been working on in the past few months.

It started with a much-needed, and very much welcomed break to Mexico.

It was full of fun, laughter, tequila and sun and made me appreciate what I had back at home.  A lot of people in mexico earn very little per hour and rely heavily on tips every day. They give the best service without fail to every person they come across in hopes of a big tip that may help their families in the day-to-day life they lead. I come home to a decent,  not great, but decent hourly wage and I have the cheek to moan. I came home refreshed, happy, and ready to come back with a totally different attitude to when I left.

Now I’m not saying I havent had my moments in which the negative thoughts have tried to creep in again, or that I havent had my rough days that have made me feel like quitting.

Instead, I have addressed why I have been feeling this way, expressing what I mean without saying it mean and in turn try to make the people I surround myself with want to be in my company rather than them feel like I drain them.

I have made a mid year resolution, to make myself a better version of myself than i was 6 months ago and hopefully by the time christmas comes I can hopefully write another post saying how I have achieved my goal.

In more ways than one too!!!

In the grand schemes of life, i cannot always be a postive person 100% of the time, we are allowed our bad days but i’m trying to make it atleast a solid 90% of the time anyway! People are always going to have it harder than you but you should be allowed to feel the way you feel without fear of judgement.

My final thought for today is:

Focus on what deserves your attention

Stay happy






How To Be a Bawse – Lilly Singh 

How To Be a Bawse is the debut book written by Lilly Singh. Publish by penguin random house it is a book on not how to live life but how to conquer life.

What is a bawse? I hear you say!A Bawse is a human being who exudes confidence, turns heads, reaches goals, finds inner strenght, gets hurt efficiently and smiles genuinely- because they’ve fought through it all and made it out the other side.

Now you all know I love me a little bit of Lilly Singh. I’m a fangirl, major love of all her work. But I wouldn’t honestly say I liked something she did if I didn’t.

However this book is amazing.

The book gives you ideas and inspirations on how to better your life and improve yourself in ways you probably didn’t think was possible. It uses metaphors which make you think about something in a different perspective and really makes you evaluate yourself and how you do things!

It truly inspired me.

But lets be real i would be surprised if anything Lilly did anything that wouldn’t be inspiring.

Her Bawse book tour was just as amazing and bringing the book to life was fantastic, which meant  i could meet lilly again.

14/4/17 it happened. i didnt write because i was loving life.






Open Letter to My 14 year old Self

Hi 14 year old me

Nearly 10 years have passed and jeeez we have learnt a lot.

10 years have passed and you wouldn’t believe the way we are now.

You wouldn’t imagine the things we have gone through, the friends we have made and unfortunately the friends we have lost in the last ten years but I’m here to send you a message.


I know being 14 everything always seems so important, the dramas you have always seem like there the end of the world. School always seems to be never ending but trust me don’t rush growing up.

You will have plenty of time when you’re nearly 25 to worry about things. Enjoy being a kid and enjoy having nothing to worry about.

If i could rewind the clock and just live life a little bit more fuller now i would.

Enjoy the times you have with your friends, as they may not be around forever, go spend time with people you love because tomorrow is never promised.

but ultimately

stay true to you and be un-apologetically yourself.

Love your older, but probably not wiser, self

